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Rugby Innovation Summit 2016

Just finished up two days at the rugby innovation summit 2016 – fantastic summit,I learned loads from many presenters sharing research and practical methods for injury prevention and performance enhancement in rugby.    

Some of the highlights for me were Bill Burgos, Head of Strength & Conditioning, Orlando Magic speaking on acceleration and horizontal force loading. Bill started his presentation with this highlight clip of NBA star Aaron Gordon who has been through his program…needless to say it got everybody listening! …you can check it out below
Also Clive Brewer, Asst. Director of High Performance, Toronto Blue Jays, talk on athletic performance in professional rugby league was awesome too.  
Thanks to game changer sports for organising a great event!

Conrad O’Hagan Fitness is moving

I am excited to tell you that Conrad O’Hagan Fitness is moving to its own premises.  The last week for providing services out of the Tokei Martial Arts & Fitness Centre, is the week beginning Monday 17 August.

On Monday 5 October I will start providing services from the Conrad O’Hagan Fitness Studio at 38 Copperfield Street, London SE1 0EA.

I’m really excited over the prospect of providing a personalised service to my clients from my own premises!


Eat Fermented Foods and Lose Belly Fat?

  A really interesting recent study in the European journal of clinical nutrition found that drinking a probiotic rich fermented milk drink over a period of 12 weeks lowered abdominal fat by 5% without any further dietary intervention when compared to a control group.  Abdominal fat was measured using Computer tomography scans, the most accurate measure […]

4 reasons to take a cold shower

You should try it, really, it’s quite invigorating! Here’s why… Short term cold exposure leads to increased metabolic rate and increased use of fat as a fuel. Activate brown fat cells – these are the fat cells which burn other fat cells. Cold water improves your immunity. Depression – Studies have shown 2-3 minute showers […]

How Michael Phelps eats 12,000 calories a day

How does Michael Phelps consume 12000 kcal per day and be in such athletic shape.  If the caloric load of competitive swimming is only 860 kcal per hour? This was the question Nasa materials scientist Ray Cronise asked himself as he pondered his own weight loss. The answer is Thermodynamics  – water is 24x more thermally conductive […]

Improve Performance with Respiration Training

  Firstly we need to understand that the respiratory muscles serve two purposes; Deliver oxygenated blood to tissues Stabilise the spine and maintain postural alignment Respiratory muscles include the diaphragm, transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis, obliques, intercostal muscles and pelvic floor.  All work together in unison to pump oxygenated blood to the tissues and maintain postural alignment.  […]

Can body language effect our physiology?

I wanted to share this TED talk from Harvard researcher Amy Cuddy.  Amy specialises in a social science called nonverbals (also known as body language) We all know that our body language has a powerful effect on our communication with others and how we are perceived.  But did you know that our body language […]